It's Good To Talk

Today, the 10th October, is World Mental Health Day. It is the same day every year, and this year I thought I would share some of my most recent reflections with relation to mental health.

Young Minds, a charity that works to support young people and improve their wellbeing and mental health. They are currently running a fantastic campaign called #helloyellow, that shows young people they are not alone in their struggles and that it is good to talk to someone when it is difficult to cope.

Today I am thinking of the life of Elijah, when he was struggling to cope. After the events on Mount Carmel, Ahab threatens his life and so he flees fearing for his life. Driven by his fear, he cries out to God ‘I have had enough, Lord’. Elijah is attended to by an angel and as he rests, he is given food and drink. Once his strength is recovered, only then does he find himself able to travel to the mountain of God and have an incredible encounter with him. I find this story incredibly encouraging as we see God attending to Elijah’s need before he speaks to him. Elijah needed to rest and God gave him the space to do that before he spoke with him. Sometimes when life gets overwhelming for people we can be ready and prepared with advice of what to do, when what is needed is a listening ear and the support to meet the immediate need to help someone rebuild their strength for recovery; this is what I see God doing here. Elijah was open to talk with God about what was going on deep within his heart and then could receive the support he needed. This mental health day be reminded that it is good to talk about where we are up to, not to hide how we feel. and to be ready to listen to those who need to talk and meet their needs.