Inspiring Hope & Unlocking Potential

We are happy to reveal the new strap line of CSCW; Inspiring Hope & Unlocking Potential. There are so many messages being projected at children in today's society, and while many of these are fantastic and positive, we also recognise that some of these messages are not. In 2013, the charity Young Minds commented that children are growing up within a "toxic climate".

CSCW are committed to inspiring hope amongst the generations of children that are growing up today. We see that toxic climate, but we say that we will not let that take ownership of our children and young people. We aim to inspire those children and young people that are struggling under the weight of life's challenges and help them see that there is hope things can change.

When Jesus calmed the storm, he didn't tell the disciples to ignore what was going on around them and he didn't deny the existence of the storm. Jesus spoke into the storm and the wind and waves obey him and peace and calm returns, but the disciples had lost sight of their hope. Our prayer is that our children wouldn't lose sight of hope, and that CSCW can inspire them to continue on with the skills we have equipped them with, in both their personal and spiritual development.

CSCW are also about unlocking potential. If we think about Peter walking on water, Jesus saw his potential, and called Peter out of the boat. Yet Peter's self doubt leads him to start sinking. We want to see the potential and help unlock it in whatever way that may be, whether it is helping identify the problems with pornography, or getting a clearer idea of what Christians believe about Jesus. We don't want to see those we are working with sink, but feel able to step out of the boat and walk and even run into their potential.

At CSCW, we believe that Jesus is our hope and inspiration, and by following him we unlock our full potential. We are reminded that the thief comes to steal, whether that is in messages of society that say we are not good enough, or biased and incorrect views of Jesus and Christianity. But, Jesus came so that we could have life, and have it to the full. In this new phase of our work, we aim to help make that fullness of life a reality for the children and young people in this city.